If there was a sport where we could say we have a lot of experience with, it’s rugby. Specifically college rugby. Specifically the women’s rugby team at Drexel University.
It takes a certain kind of person to play college rugby, yes that is a compliment. There is no sport where the personality and the tenacity of the athlete comes out so clearly than in a rugby photo shoot. Both the action shots and the post game portraits show just who these women are and how seriously they take the game and having fun playing it.
Rugby is a great equalizer. Meaning it doesn’t matter where you come from, what you’re studying, or where you work. You pick up a ball… and run. The entire premise of the game is to know where you teammates are and help them, keeping those two things at the forefront is the only way to ensure success.
Shooting this team was a blast, they appreciate their fans and relish in the spotlight of being on the pitch. Win or lose, they play this game because it’s fun, it’s brought them together and created friendships that they will have for the rest of their lives.